Expert Coach Case Review

Bullied at work and no idea what to do next or for the best?

Feeling fearful, frustrated, anxious, confused, angry?

Are you ready for expert help?

Jo Brown offers you an expert coach case review that will cover:

  • clarity on your situation

  • review your desired outcomes

  • identify the options for getting there

  • realistic and honest feedback

  • coach you on your next steps

Sessions are laser focused to get you moving in the right direction to get the outcome that you’d like. No specific outcome can ever be guaranteed but we’ll bring our best coaching and support if you’ll bring the best of you to resolve your situation in the most positive way

Sessions are up to 2 hours, with a weekly email check in over the following month. Cost is £297 – book your expert case review today

Just A Little Help Can Make Their Hearts Happier.

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