Bullied at Work?

If you don’t feel seen, heard or valued at work, you can get our expert help navigating difficult people and situations, learn proven strategies that work and feel confident and empowered to take action...

We’ve Helped Thousands of People Just Like You

There’s nothing worse than coming into contact with a bully at work. It can manifest in different ways and they could be a co-worker, manager, subordinate, supplier or client – or in some cases it can even be a group of people acting like a mob

The morning self-talk to tackle anxiety before walking into work, the overwhelming fear of dread of facing that bully, worried sick about your job security and being able to pay your mortgage or trying to be stoic and like it doesn’t bother you by holding back your tears? Does this resonate with you?

We get it - we’ve been there, done it, got the T-shirt…

Whether inside or outside of the workplace, we found a severe lack of support and services to help people to effectively deal with, and overcome, workplace bullying – and unfortunately there’s millions of people who experience that every year

This is exactly why we've created Bullied to Bulletproof

Bullied at Work?

If you don’t feel seen, heard or valued

at work, you can get our expert help navigating difficult people and situations, learn proven strategies that work and feel confident and empowered to take action...

We’ve Helped Thousands of People Just Like You

There’s nothing worse than coming into contact with a bully at work. It can manifest in different ways and they could be a co-worker, manager, subordinate, supplier or client – or in some cases it can even be a group of people acting like a mob

The morning self-talk to tackle anxiety before walking into work, the overwhelming fear of dread of facing that bully, worried sick about your job security and being able to pay your mortgage or trying to be stoic and like it doesn’t bother you by holding back your tears? Does this resonate with you?

We get it - we’ve been there, done it, got the T-shirt…

Whether inside or outside of the workplace, we found a severe lack of support and services to help people to effectively deal with, and overcome, workplace bullying – and unfortunately there’s millions of people who experience that every year

This is exactly why we've created

Bullied to Bulletproof

We Can Help You Too

There’s a journey that people go on when they get bullied at work. It’s unbelievable but if you take out the individual, department and company names, the business sector and most other identifiers specific to a case, what you’re left with is a very similar pattern, common to almost ALL cases of workplace bullying!

And that helps us to help you - working with these patterns, we support you to:

  • Identify: Learn to recognise the signs of bullying, harassment or discrimination, and be able to vocalise what you’re going through and how organisations deal with this type of situation. You’ll learn you’re far from alone!

  • Understand: Get clarity on your situation, comprehend why some people behave in a bullying way, understand how to influence the workplace dynamics you’ll face and what steps you need to take to protect yourself

  • Navigate: With our Complete Roadmap to Overcoming Workplace Bullying, get help to navigate the journey through all the stages of bullying, from wherever you are now and how best get to whatever outcome or resolution you’re seeking

  • Empower: While focus on the bullying and HR's actions is important, we also focus on YOU, how you are coping and dealing with it is imperative to the outcome. Get firm on your boundaries, take back your power, regain confidence

  • Recover: Many people don’t understand how ill they are and struggle to move on. With our help, you change what’s needed to move forward and feel like this situation is resolved and firmly in the past. Your better future awaits…

Why You Need Our Help

It’s sad to say that some people don’t have the best outcome

In many cases, really bad behaviour has been ignored, tolerated or even condoned, the individual may be harmed from their experience and it can still play in their mind time after time. Workplace bullying can impact your health, career and relationships – and the damage can last many years

Did you know bullying at work can even cause a brain injury? 

People may start off thinking the best of people, HR or their employer and that everything will be ok in the end…many times it’s not though…and things often go from bad to worse...

Do You Want to Risk That Being You?


attendees recorded in the last summit


clients coached over the past 10 years


results guaranteed*

What You Get From the Session

  • Showcasing Your Expertise: The summit will position you as an expert in workplace resilience and coaching, making potential clients more likely to trust your services and expertise.

  • Empowerment and Confidence: Attendees will leave the summit feeling empowered with a newfound sense of self-confidence, equipped to confront workplace bullying head-on.

  • Stress Reduction Techniques: Attendees will learn stress reduction techniques that can be applied in their daily lives to manage workplace stressors

  • A Community of Support: Attendees will become part of a supportive community dedicated to resilience, offering ongoing resources and encouragement beyond the summit.

Do You Want to Risk That Being You?

You can improve your chance of a successful outcome, resolution and recovery from the damaging effects

We can help you learn how to not just protect yourself, your mental health, your personal and professional relationships, and your career for a more positive future, yet THRIVE despite bullying

Our focus is on you and your situation holistically – emotionally, psychologically and physically, to help you deal with the situation as it unfolds. We also coach and support people through internal grievances or litigation - this option isn’t for everyone but we’re here for you if it is

We work in a compassion and caring way, yet honest and direct where needed on the realities of difficult situations. You’ll find yourself in a safe space to connect, share, feel supported and get the coaching you need

When is now the right time to breakthrough your bullying situation and become bulletproof?

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© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

© 2024 Bullied To Bulletproof - All Rights Reserved

Just A Little Help Can Make Their Hearts Happier.

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