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The Problem with the Problem?

The Problem with the Problem?

June 04, 20162 min read

It’s been reported in the news that The Pope has approved measures to sack bishops who mishandle child sexual abuse cases. And I wonder, why was that not the case already?

The BBC report “Bishops who are “negligent” in dealing with priests committing abuse will be removed under the new legal procedures. The decree comes in response to long-running demands by abuse victims and their supporters to hold bishops accountable if they fail to protect their flocks from paedophiles.”

Is any big problem in society only so big because we don’t deal with the problem very well?

Let’s look at workplace bullying. I hear far too many stories of instances of bullying being ignored because people don’t want to intervene or be the next target. They don’t complain because they should be able to deal with it or worry about how to pay the mortgage if it all goes wrong. What about when it’s washed over with the catch-all ‘personality clash’?

Those responsible within the workplace, line managers, leaders and HR sometimes don’t do what they should when they get complaints for a multitude of reasons – they genuinely don’t know what to do, there’s not the right systems or support in place or they’re scared to act. Or in one case I heard they know it’s completely a waste of time as ‘that’s how things are round here’.

Have you ever wondered how would things be if all situations were dealt with?

People listen. People care. People act. People then learn that others are willing to listen, care and act. And so drives the behaviour next time of speaking out because there’s hope. Would bullying be as rampant at work as it is now?

Next time you see it please listen, care and act. You might just make the world a better place.

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